Tuesday, 9 October 2018

I don't write letters anymore. #WorldPostDay

Throughout October I will be joining in with Big Family Organised Chaos and her linky for Blogtober18....Today's prompt is: Invitations/Letters. #WorldPostDay

I saw this prompt and I was stumped to what to write about. Then I got thinking about everything to do with invitations, letters and the post.

A red post box with the blog post title.

When I was a child my school joined with one in South Africa and we were paired with children our own age and we would write letters back and forwards. I had a pen-pal and loved it. I also wrote letters to my aunts, cousins and friends and they would send them back. It was so exciting to get a letter in the post and just as fun to write one back.

That doesn't seem to happen as much now. My girls would never think of writing a letter just for the fun of it. I do however make them write thank you cards after their birthdays and Christmas for people who have given them presents who don't use the internet.

Technology has changed me and I am guessing most of the people in the world. I don't write letters anymore. If I want to update family about how we are getting on I will email them now and not write a letter. My family & I keep in touch on social media. Facebook usually. 

If a bill needs paying I get an email saying the bill is due and then make a payment with my bank card. Not many bills come through the post for me now. I think we get the yearly one for the council tax and that's it. Everything is paperless.

My bank keeps suggesting that I should use paperless banking where I don't get a statement sent to me every month but I like to have the statement in my hands to look through properly and keep in case I need it in the future.

Most days I receive post but it is junk mail. Companies offering credit cards that I don't want and flyer's from shops. The only letters I do receive are the one's from the hospital for the girls heart check ups, Ellie's hearing checks and the odd letter from school but even those are few and far between as they are starting to use text messages more.

I know it's all about saving paper and reducing waste but sometimes I would like a bill to pin on the notice board to remind me to pay it or a letter from the school reminding me about an appointment.

The only time I seem to send post is the odd birthday card to family and even then most of the time I use websites like Funky Pigeon or Moonpig where I can write inside the card through their site and then send it straight to the recipient. Sites like this have came in handy when I have forgotten birthdays until the last minute and they can send them quicker than me going out, buying the card and then posting the card.

The last actual letter I posted was something to do with British Gas and agreeing to go onto a new tariff and that is only because I couldn't see how to do it online.

I still get quite a few parcels delivered through blogging and I love my regular postman. He knows I blog and is always curious about what I receive especially if it is in a funny shaped package or a funky coloured box. 

Do you still write letters? Do you still get much post delivered?


  1. I love receiving post, not so much sending it. I sent a letter last week in a pre paid envelope to the council and recently sent a parcel with a gift in for my friend and birthday cards to my mum.

  2. I love receiving letters but nobody writes them to me any more! I always make sure that my daughter writes thank you letters and now her best friend has moved abroad she will occasionally write one but email is so much quicker and cheaper!!


  3. I used to have many penpals and loved writing letters (I even had a stash of love letters which went missing from my Mum's attic when she moved house) I don't get much in the post now apart from hospital letters and junk mail. It's quite sad really, I get so excited if something arrives handwritten.

  4. I miss letters too! I really should write some! #blogtober18

  5. We still seem to get plenty of bills through the post. And loads of catalogues from stores I bought from once... three christmases ago! #blogtober18

  6. All this talk of letters is really making me miss sending and receiving them. I used to send a few letters out each week but just don't bother at all anymore. I am going to change that!

  7. I keep in touch with my family on Facebook as well. I do miss writing letters and receiving them.

  8. I miss writing to my penpals, I haven't written a letter for ages, I don't think I have posted a letter for ages either.
