Friday, 26 October 2018

This week my Word of the Week is: Unwell. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

a text version of the word unwell

It has been a long week! Both of my girls have been poorly. Ugh!

Ellie hasn't been right for a few weeks. She had a tummy bug a couple of weeks ago and then ate something which didn't agree with her last week and was sent home from school and over the weekend I thought she had tonsillitis but it was just a really sore throat. She ended up having Monday off school. I knew she was poorly because she stayed on the sofa all day just watching films. There was no asking to play with her toys or on her tablet. It was only at tea time where she started to feel better. She's still not at 100% but she's so much better than she was.

Becky has also been poorly this past week. She has came down with a rotten cold. She's has had it all. Aching bones, sneezing, a blocked nose, a runny noes, a headache and just generally feeling rubbish. She has managed school every day but yesterday was a struggle.

Today is the first day of the half term holidays! Hooray! It means we can all relax and recharge a little. I think it is just what we need. This first term at school is the hardest with the colder weather and the darker mornings.

Ellie's tablet is looking pretty sorry for it's self too. I have told her a million times not to leave it laid around and especially not to leave it on the floor. Well she did on Wednesday evening under a fleece blanket. The worst happened and my fella stood on it. 

a tablet with a cracked screen

The screen is smashed and it will switch on but it doesn't work. Eek! Stu put off telling her until she finished school last night. She wasn't happy and of course it was all Stu's fault but she took it reasonably well. She has a new one for Christmas but until then she will have to either use the really old one or do without. 


  1. oh no, what an awful week :( I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Poor tablet too! My kids are the same, I've found phones on the floor and they leave laptops on the arm of the settee.
    Fingers crossed next week is better, my kids break up for half term today too.
    Thanks for joining in with #WotW

  2. I really hope everyone is feeling better soon and you manage to enjoy a lovely half term x

  3. Oh no, I hate this time of year for colds and feeling unwell. Hope your girls are recovering quickly Kim.

  4. Oh poor Ellie and Becky. Glad they are starting to feel better and hopefully will be able to enjoy half term. What a shame about the tablet - so easily done though. We’ve had a few near misses from doing the same. #WotW

  5. I thought our week running up to half term was challenging. I take it back. What a yukky week for you all. Hope everyone feels better now. A bitter lesson for Ellie. I'm sure she won't leave anything on the floor again. Hope you have a good half term. You deserve it! #wotw

  6. Oh no sorry to hear your girls are not feeling well. Oh gosh that must be devasting, my boy broke his tablet and I could of cried. I hope you get a lovely rest next week X #wotw

  7. Hope everyone is feeling better now. Whoops about the tablet, but my two are just as bad, only by luck has the same thing not happened here! Karen from Early Rising Mum

  8. Not a good week! I hope everyone has chance to recharge their batteries and is feeling better after half term.

  9. wishing you all lots of get well wishes! So annoying about the tablet. My daughters leappad gadget screen broke this week which she was devastated about but it is just a hazard that can so easily happen with gadgets these days isn't it. #WOTW xxx

  10. Oh I hope things pick up and you get to enjoy half term! It's rotten being unwell when you have time off. #WotW

  11. Oh no thats so frustrating, I hate it when things like that happen, but kids are a nightmare for leaving things hanging about. Hope they are both feeing better this week x
