Monday, 5 October 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 5th - 11th October. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went well. We did have a change on Saturday night. I saw the chicken buckets in Morrisons and thought we'd have a fake KFC with chicken strips, chicken dippers, chicken poppets, corn on the cob and fries. The kids loved it.

I have been really enjoying using the slow cooker lately and actually managed to cook a meal in it and make the right amount to feed us all, usually I make far too much.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Bubble and squeak fritters with fried eggs.
Tuesday - Battered sausages, chips and curry sauce.
Friday - Pizza.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. You've got some delicious meals here! Have a great week Kim and I hope you're keeping well x Thanks for linking up!

  2. We haven't had pulled pork in a while mmmm We enjoy the fake KFC more than the real stuff, it tastes as good and is less greasy made at home. Enjoy x

  3. The fake KFC sounds lovely. I went to have a look at the bubble & squeak fritters recipe and they sound like a great way of using up leftover veg. Noted for future reference :)

  4. My son has taken over most of the cooking while I'm recuperating. We wrote our menu of the week together so I could be sure he knew how to make them- we're having ravioli and sauce, waffles & bacon, a pot pie or two (that I prepared and froze ahead of time), and pasta with meat sauce.

  5. I do find we tend to have the same thing week in week out, mostly chicken based.

  6. Sounds liike a yummy meal plan this week, that soup looks amazing, I think I'm going to give that a try!
