Friday, 16 October 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Grotty! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Grotty text

Grotty is a word I use all the time but I don't think it's a well known word around the world. It means unpleasant, of poor quality or unwell. I think Grotty sums up this week perfectly!

I finally caught the cold that the kids have had. It was inevitable and have felt pretty grotty. I had all the snot, sneezes and have been left with a cough. I have tried to keep myself to myself at home. I was at the shop and had a coughing fit someone said "it isn't Covid is it?". I know it's not but it doesn't stop other people looking and judging. I felt I needed a big sign over my head saying it's just a cold. 

I did worry myself on Monday night. Every time I dozed off to sleep I woke myself up coughing which was no fun. It felt like I couldn't get my breath just as I woke but I know that was just because I was half asleep and panicking. I saw every hour until about 6am and I was up just after 7am to get Ellie ready for school. lol As soon as Ellie had left for school I went back to bed and caught up on my sleep and then went for a soak in the bath. I felt like a new woman! 

Of course I have been watching a lot of news over this week. I was feeling quite worried thinking that where we live would be put into tier 2. Reading the online news it sure looked like North Lincolnshire was heading that way with all the statistics. Even when Boris announced the 3 tier system it still wasn't clear as Yorkshire and Humber was one of the areas that were still in discussions about what tier we went into. It was a few hours later I read that we were in tier 1. Phew!

Things feel uncertain here. From what I can gather we are being grouped into the Yorkshire and Humber region which covers a massive area. All to the left of us on the map is already in tier 2. I don't think it will be long until we join them.

Becky is taking it quite well. I thought she would be upset and angry that her girlfriend wouldn't be able to visit here but they are both dealing OK with the prospect of a tier 2 lockdown happening. Ellie just doesn't care, not much for her will change but she is hoping for the circuit breaker lockdown where the school will be off for 2 weeks. We only get a week for half term here. lol Ellie did have a little tantrum during the week when she realised that there will be no trick or treating. I have said we'll do something at home but she was in a foul mood for a few hours.

The weather has been a bit grotty this week. Stu works outside most of the time so when it's wet and damp there is less work to do. His hours are all over the place at the moment. He finished early one day and had a day off because of the rain but yesterday made up most of the hours he didn't work and hopefully will be working more today.

How has your week been?

Word of the Week Linky


  1. Grotty is a good word to use sometimes - I would certainly describe having a cold as feeling grotty too! It's horrible when you have to cough in public and you know people are instantly worrying that you have Covid. It's confusing with all the changing restrictions and the different restrictions - I have sympathy with Ellie in wishing for a short sharp lockdown to try and break the rise in cases. Glad to hear that Becky is taking the prospect of moving into Tier 2 fairly well though. It's so hard being restricted and not being able to see people we care about. Hope that the weekend is less grotty! #WotW

  2. I'm familiar with the word grotty, I hope you are feeling much better now. The whole tier thing is a bit complicated isn't it? I get worried about how high the cases are rising and how quickly, but we have to try our best to stay safe. We didn't do trick or treat last year so my kids are not too bothered, we will miss our pumpkin carving event though. x

  3. Grotty is a good word for when you have a cold. I'm glad the sleep and bath helped. My youngest had a cough (a cold), a few weeks ago, and he was terrified of coughing in public. I had to supply him with fruit pastilles to help. Admittedly, it could have been an excuse to have a ready supply of sweets. We're in Tier 1 and it doesn't look like it will change soon. I'm not sure it will feel very different for us, but I know others will feel it more. I hope you can have your own Halloween celebrations to make up for the trick n treating. #wotw

  4. I do know the word grotty, a brilliant way to describe a cold. Hope you feel better soon. Karen Early Rising Mum
