Saturday, 17 October 2020

Week 42 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

 I didn't have a great start to the week. I caught the cold that the kids had. They're over it now and thankfully so am I. It was a rough couple of days with me coughing so much that I wasn't sleeping properly. Before you start to worry I know it wasn't Covid, I had a full on cold with all the sneezing and snot to prove it. With not feeling great I've not been up to much, it's been a pretty quiet week here.

Now for a photo every day!

10th 11th October
12th October
13th 14th October
15th October
16th October

277/366 - 10th October
It was a big day on the game Roblox that Ellie plays. Don't ask me what happened exactly but there was a big update and there was more people playing than ever before. Then of course the game crashed with everyone playing which Ellie was not too happy.

278/366 - 11th October
After a wet couple of days I was glad to get some washing out on the line.

279/366 - 12th October
I think me and the rest of the country were watching the news on Monday to see what Boris had to say. At the moment we're still in tier 1 but I don't expect that to last with cases rising here.

280/366 - 13th October
After seeing nearly every hour during the night thanks to my cough I decided to go back to bed once Ellie had gone to school. I slept until near enough lunch time, had a soak in the bath and felt like a new woman.

281/366 - 14th October
I got an Iceland shop delivered over the weekend and saw this family sized sausage casserole ready meal and decided to give it a try. It was good. A lot better than I expected and we will be getting it again.

282/366 - 15th October
We had a lot of rainbows on Thursday and they were so pretty. Shortly after this it chucked it down!

283/366 - 16th October
The flowerbed in my garden is looking very sorry for it's self. All I want is one dry day to sort it out!

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  1. Love seeing all the rainbows when they come. I don't get Roblox at all. N doesn't play much (they used to like it at after school club, but he doesnt really play at home). I think we'll end up in tier 2 when they reassess too. Oxford's really high, but we're still under UK average like the other surrounding areas. But people travel for work and other stuff, so without everyone staying at home cases will go up everywhere.

  2. Glad your cold didn't last long. Love the rainbow picture - there have been a lot of them about this week ! Glad the sausage casserole was nice - I haven't had one of those for a while. Now there's an idea ... :)

  3. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well but glad you are now better.

    We are in tier 1 too but have a feeling we will end up at tier 2 soon.

  4. Nice of our kids to share their colds with us, glad you're feeling better now. Do love a sausage casserole #366

  5. Sorry to hear you were poorly. I don't follow Roblox, but Eddie plays regularly and watches some silly videos on YouTube of people playing the game. The rainbow is very pretty, and I know what you mean about the garden and bad weather. I keep postponing doing garden jobs because of the daily rain.

  6. Glad you are feeling better there is so much going round and with the kids at school we end up picking it all up too. We are also in tier 1 but like you I am not sure how long it will last. The rainbow is very pretty I must look for one next time it rains. It doesnt look bad there are still flowers! But I am with you a fair weather gardener.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. I am in need of a few dry days to sort out the garden too.

  8. Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell – hope you are much better now. Sounds like being able to sleep in until lunchtime was much-needed. Nice to still be able to get washing out on the line every now and then. That sausage casserole looks yummy. Love the photo of the rainbow. #project366

  9. Sorry to hear you've been poorly, glad you're all better now. We're in tier 1 also, however the tiers make no difference to me with being on my own, I just keep an eye on whether I'm still allowed in my DILs house and them in ours, I don't meet with more than 2 people at a time either. I can't visit mum or the things for the next two weeks due to lockdown in Wales. Lovely to get the washing out on the line where possible. Hope the flower bed dries up soon

  10. Mine were excited by the roblox update too - it passes me by though, I have no idea what is going on LOL - hope you are feeling better now

  11. I will have to keep a look out for the sausage casserole, what a fab find in Iceland that was! The weather has been awful hasn't it, glad you managed to get your washing out. So pleased you just had a cold cough and nothing more sinister! Always a worry right now when you hear about coughs!

  12. It has been quite wet and dreary recently but we've had lots of rainbows down south too. We have a cold that just keeps circulating round our family, very annoying #project366

  13. I've heard of a lot of rise in cases in the UK that there r a lot of lockdowns. Your bed looks very comfy. The sausage casserole looks yummy.
