Saturday, 10 October 2020

Week 41 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

 It has been a different type of week for us. Ellie has a couple of days off school, she was full of cold and was left with a nasty cough and Becky has had a full on week of studying at home. She was in college on Monday but it was just a half day and the rest was learning at home. She had video lessons and a big assignment to hand in. We also had the gas safety check yesterday, it's the first time someone who isn't family or a close friend has been in our house since the lockdown started. He was great though and took plenty of precautions and the boiler, fire and cooker are safe to use. Phew! 

Midweek the ability to revert back to the old blogger dashboard was gone which has really frustrated me. I have been using the new layout for a while but still had the safety net of reverting back to double check things so it feels a little scary at the moment. It makes me quite glad that I am taking part in Blogtober20 and have quite a few blog posts already scheduled.

Now for a photo every day!

Saturday night tea
4th 5th October
6th 7th October
8th 9th October

277/366 - 3rd October
Our Saturday night tea. Chicken pieces, fries, onion rings and garlic mushrooms. A fake KFC if you like. 

278/366 - 4th October
The view from Ellie's bedroom. It was nice to see it dry again after it raining all of Saturday. I even managed to get some washing out on the line.

279/366 - 5th October
I won a print from Joanne Victoria's blog. I chose the one with the It's a Kind of Magic lyrics by Queen. It's already in a frame on my living room wall.

280/366 - 6th October
Becky had an online lesson from college, what made it different was that the teacher was in college teaching the other half of her class the same lesson. She had it coming through the speakers on her laptop, with the microphone & camera off so I could listen in. She only had to show her face on camera once to show she was actually there. It was so interesting, it was all about equality & diversity. 

281/366 - 7th October
I got a lovely little package delivered on Wednesday. Some people really do put the effort in. It was a book, the iSpace Wellbeing Book - Have you ever had a stressor? which should be the blog post before this one.

282/366 - 8th October
It was such a grey and gloomy day on Thursday but by tea time the sun was starting to appear. A bit to late in the day to get any washing dried, I had to use the tumble dryer but it was a gorgeous view.

276/366 - 9th October
Becky was up early which made a nice change and off out to town.

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  1. What a fantastic view Ellie has, I'm so jealous! Does she get the sunrise or sunset? My daughter has the sunset, which is really something. I'm struggling with new Blogger too, I wish I had things scheduled!

  2. Sorry to hear Ellie wasn't feeling well. Love the view from the room..wish I had fields at the back of our house!

    The equality and diversity lesson sounds interesting.

  3. It's been such mixed weather, like April showers here most of the week. Lovely to see your views. Looks great.

  4. Your views from the window are amazing X

  5. It must be lovely to look out onto open fields like that.I don't use Blogger, but I'm using the classic editor on Wordpress even though that has been discontinued.

  6. Your view!! Oh wow I'm so jealous of that. I use Wordpress but am dreading the day that Classic Editor disappears on that, I don't do tech change very well #366

  7. I'm not a big fan of the new blogger layout, esp when you have to load 1 photo at a time rather than selecting from the uploads as you type.

  8. What a lovely view from Ellie's window! So much space.
    I cannot adapt to the new Blogger layout easy, I don't care for all the fancy doodahs, and wish they would let bloggers choose which layout they prefer.
    Sorry to hear Ellie wasn't feeling well, hope she is much better now.

  9. Hope that Ellie is now feeling better. It’s difficult when the user interface on things like Blogger change and having the safety net of being able to go back to the old system is reassuring, what a shame that’s been taken away now. Love the Saturday night tea. Lovely view from Ellie’s bedroom window – so nice to have some sunshine and to still be able to get some washing dried outside. Interesting that Becky’s online lesson was partly delivered to a class in the college as well. Lovely when a little bit of thought is put into packages like that. #project366

  10. Such a lovely view from Ellie's window. I haven't used blogger for a while, but not sure I'd like the new layout x

  11. I feel your angst about the old Blogger as I use Wordpress and sticking with the classic editor as I just couldn't get my head around the new version. And don't get me started on how horrible the new Facebook is! #project366

  12. I hope Ellie is feeling better now - don't you find that you feel extra worried every time someone gets a cold, just in case it morphs into covid overnight?! That plus the fact that everyone in the street or on the bus looks at you like you've got the plague if you cough in public ! I love the view from your window - so peaceful. It must be lovely to watch it changing through the seasons too. Oooh KFC - don't get me started ! They don't do chicken pieces here in France, just burgers. How can that be fair ?! And it doesn't even have the same KFC-spices flavour as in the UK. Not good !

  13. I am waiting for wordpress to do the same, I havent even used the new interface yet! Hope you have managed to get the hang of it. I am super impressed you have so many posts scheduled as I am lucky if I even manage to post anything week to week. I am not sure whats changed. Maybe I am loosing my mojo. Love the view and the second to last photo with the sun. I already feel that we need to make the most of those days at the moment with Autumn not being as sunny as I had hoped so far.

  14. I haver not used blogger in such a long time but remember it being straightforward. I hate it when they make changes though, as it takes me a while to get my head around it

  15. Congratulations on your print win, you are tempting me to get entering competitions again. With blog work thin on the ground that would be a productive way to spend my time. Really love the photo of the view. I am with wordpress so hope it doesn't make any changes soon, always takes me ages to get used to things like that.

  16. Look at all those fields at the back of your house! Such a gorgeous uninterrupted view!!! I wasn't aware of Blogger changing their platform but I'm not liking the new Facebook platform, far too laggy at the moment. Much preferred the old style! I'm all for a fake KFC, if you have an Aldi near you, their own range of southern fried chicken is lush!x

  17. OoOo lots of delicious fried stuff. That's a nice view from Ellie's room. That's a lovely magical quote. I hope she's able to focus and understand the online classes well. That's a pretty sunny and gloomy day. Becky looks so smart!
