Saturday, 22 October 2022

How to make an extra bit of money from home. #Blogtober22

I am taking part in Blogtober 2022 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October. Today's prompt is: Favourite side hustles!

At the moment we are all thinking an extra few pounds or pennies could make a difference. There are plenty of ways to make money from comfort of your own home without having to go to too much effort.

UK money

How to make an extra bit of money from home.

Start a blog!
I don't earn money from my blog because I choose not to but many other bloggers do. It can start from an armchair to be a real business. I have read about many bloggers leaving their full time jobs because they earn more from blogging through sponsored posts and advertising.

Start an online Craft Shop!
You can turn a crafty hobby into a business by setting up an Etsy shop which focuses on handmade and vintage items. It does cost a little to list an item and you are charged fee's but it allows you instant access to millions of buyers in the UK and worldwide looking for handmade treasures. I am really starting to love Etsy and the lovely Anne from Rasie Bay has a store on there, AtHomeALot who sells her crochet creations!

At Home A Lot etsy store

Sewing/Alteration services!
If you’re nifty with a needle this could be a solid income for you. I am in a local Facebook group and there is always people asking is there anyone who can alter curtains, trousers and goodness knows what else. 

Sell unwanted items!
It’s a pretty obvious one but sell anything you don’t need any more! Car boot sales, eBay or your local Facebook Marketplace pages. If you haven’t used it in the last year then consider parting with it.

Online surveys! 
A popular way for people to make money online is to fill out online surveys in your spare time. My favourite survey site by far is Prolific. In just under a couple of years I have earned just over £1000. The rewards for the studies vary. If it's a minute long you may only be paid 40 pence but with the longer one's the reward increases. Katy Kicker has quite a few blog posts about which survey sites are worth your time.

My prolific earnings

Rent a room!
If you have a spare room or converted garage you could rent out your space on trusted sites such as Airbnb. The more central you are to a city, town or place of interest, the more chance you have of increasing your rate.

An Ironing service!
Most people hate ironing and would happily part with some cash to have it taken care for them. Invest in a quality iron and ironing board then advertise locally and ask your friends and family to spread the word.

Do you have any ways to make money that I haven't thought of?


  1. I wish we had that surveu site here, it sounds like a fun way to make a little bit extra cash (with minimal effort)

  2. Thisiswhereitisat23 October 2022 at 19:17

    Some good ideas here to make a few pounds and especially helpful during this current climate x

  3. My blog is technically monitzed because I do display ads, but I've yet to reach the earnings threshold for a payout. I do earn from writing on Medium, though! Great side hustle ideas.

  4. Great ways to earn extra money. Prolific is my favourite survey site xxx

  5. Great ideas for making extra money. I'd love to have a spare room or driveway to make money renting out a room or parking space. xxx

  6. These are great ideas. I used to do surveys and I made some extra money. I stopped doing them when I started blogging because they take up a bit of time. I don’t make any money from blogging but I love doing it.
