Sunday 30 October 2022

Our carved pumpkins. #MySundaySnapshot

It's almost Halloween and we always carve our pumpkins the weekend before. It was just Ellie and I carving one as Becky was sleeping for a night shift. We learned a little trick of TikTok, use cookie cutters to cut out shapes. It's a game changer and made the job a lot easier! 

Our carved pumpkins

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. That's a great tip and these look amazing- well done! xxx

  2. Don't you just lovely them?? We do one every year but because it's hot you can only do it a day or two before or it rots...

  3. These are beautiful pumpkins. Thanks for the tip. I can see that cookie cutters have given you the best carved pumpkins, the star eyes and heart nose are beautiful!

  4. Brilliant, and what a great tip about the cookie cutters, definitely one for me to remember for next year!

  5. Your pumpkins look fabulous! I always get really frustrated trying to carve them but it's a great idea to use a cookie cutter :o)


  6. That is so clever!! And they look super cute.

  7. Thisiswhereitisat2 November 2022 at 15:43

    They look ace X

  8. That is a really good tip! I'll remember that for next time. We always carve ours at the last minute and then do a pretty bad job of it.

  9. They are awesome pumpkins, love the starry eyes! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
