Thursday, 27 October 2022

My Halloween traditions! #Blogtober22

I am taking part in Blogtober 2022 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October. Today's prompt is: My Halloween traditions!

My Halloween traditions have changed so much over the years. When I was a child we lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere and there wasn't much chance to go trick or treating as our nearest neighbour was just under a mile away. Thankfully the school I went to always had a Halloween disco so there was the chance to dress up and join in the spooky fun.

First Halloween costumes

I didn't really get into Halloween until I was much older and had kids myself. I carved my first pumpkin when Ellie was little and I always remember we had bought the kids their first Halloween costumes, they were both little witches and that was the day that Ellie walked for the first time. We joked that it was the magic of the witch costume. hehehe

Since that Halloween we have always had a lot of fun each year. The girls used to love carving pumpkins even though they hated scraping the insides out. There was always a lot of screeching and shouts of "mam, can you do it". 

My girls carving pumpkins

For a good few years we would meet up with friends from the girls primary school and go trick or treating. It was always a lot of fun and the amount of sweets that the kids got were crazy.

A lot of the time Halloween would fall during the half term holiday from school which means we had plenty of time to do some spooky crafts and baking! Fingers crossed this week we will be doing some baking with a couple of the baking kits that I have bought from the supermarket.

Halloween cupcakes and biscuits

Now that the kids have got older I am not that involved in their Halloween plans. Hmmf. They are too old for their old mum to go trick or treating with them. Becky isn't bothered about Trick or Treating but I am still sending her out to keep an eye on Ellie.

The last time they went trick or treating was in 2019 before Covid. I don't know what happened last year, I think it was raining, really windy and Becky might have been on a night shift. This year she finishes a night shift on the morning so she should be wide awake to supervise Ellie and her friends.

Around here everyone gets involved in Halloween and we get a ton of trick or treaters knocking at the door so I will have to make sure I have plenty of sweets to give out.

With Ellie going back to school after half term on Monday which is Halloween I think we will be carving our pumpkins over the weekend and hopefully I will give making some pumpkin soup a try.

Becky is determined to get me to watch some scary films but I am hoping she forgets about the suggestion because I am not a fan of anything too scary! Eek! 

What do you do for Halloween?


  1. Isn't it funny how when we were growing up Halloween was never really a thing to celebrate. But having kids it has all changed

  2. I like the baking kits they look like fun. I’ve carved pumpkins twice when my younger son was little. It was such hard work!! In the last couple of years supermarkets have started selling carving pumpkins but apparently they’re not for eating plus they are really expensive so I don’t buy them. Hope your girls have fun trick or treating xxx

  3. We don't do anything anymore, we used to take the boys out trick or treating each year. When they were little we just drove to all the grandparents and great-grandparents houses (my husband and my parents are both divorced and remarried so my boys had lots of people to visit and got spoiled everywhere we went). As they got older they wanted a real trick or treat experience so we would park at either my sister's or my mom's and they'd walk door to door with their cousins for trick or treating. Our neighborhood doesn't get any trick or treaters so now that they've outgrown it we just watch a movie and eat candy at home.

  4. Those ghost cupcakes are adorable! Each year at Halloween is a bit different for me, but often my husband and I host a small party, with plenty of spooky snacks and cocktails.

  5. This year my daughter wants to go with her friend but I'll still take my youngest out. My eldest doesn't like going out, he prefers to stay home so we'll all be fragmented this year

  6. So interesting that you grew up on a farm. Your neighbourhood now sounds really fun for Halloween. I've never really seen what ours is like as we're always on the other side of town at families (but the sweets I put out always go lol) xxx

  7. Look at your beautiful girls! I remember reading your blog when they were this small!
    You've got some lovely Halloween traditions. I decorate one the rooms with a few decs and put on a picky Halloween tea for the boys.
    We don't go trick or treating as it's quite remote here, but we've never really bothered even when we had neighbours. xx

  8. We also never celebrated Halloween growing up - it is still not a big holiday here but this year a lot of people were out and about celebrating.
